Clinical Services
Individual Psychotherapy
Individual psychotherapy is a form of talk therapy that is a therapeutic guide, journeying the participants on their road to recovery, from admission through discharge. AHTC clients work one-on-one with one of our licensed clinicians and/or registered associates in a safe, caring, and confidential environment. Individual psychotherapy differs from family therapy and group therapy because the individual works on personal issues in a private manner.
The primary goal of individual therapy is to increase understanding of one’s thoughts and behavior patterns to help increase function and well-being. Through individual psychotherapy, clients can learn how to effectively manage stress, interpersonal difficulties, and troubling situations.
Family Therapy
Family therapy is a form of talk therapy that concentrates on the improvement of relationships among family members. Family therapy not only helps form an understanding to develop and maintain healthy boundaries, facilitate cohesion and healthy communication, it also helps treat certain mental health or behavioral conditions. Family therapy can involve any combination of family members. Here at AHTC family therapy focuses on relationships with whomever the clients consider family. With the support of one of our licensed therapist’s a client will work with evidence-based practices to learn how to navigate healthy family dynamics.
Psychiatric services are an essential part of treatment. The facility psychiatrist will meet with the clients on weekly bases to evaluate their needs, modify and/or change medications in addition to monitoring the effectiveness of each prescribed medication. Some clients enter treatment with previously prescribed medications while others may need to be evaluated and prescribed appropriate medications. Nevertheless, all of the clients will receive appropriate care with medication management.
Nutritional Counseling and Support
Individuals struggling with mental health or co-occurring disorders neglect healthy diets. Maintaining a healthy diet is a key component to recovery. At Arise Hillside Treatment Center, our in-house executive chef ensures to provide balanced meals tailored to each person’s dietary needs.
Besides providing daily healthy balanced meals, our chef provides nutritional counseling and guidance to create customized dietary plans specific to each person’s nutritional goals. Our goal is not only to introduce our clients to healthy dietary traditions while in treatment but to also urge them to take these newly attained dietary mechanisms back home with them post treatment.
Group Therapies
Behavioral Therapies
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
- Coping Mechanisms for Mood Regulation
- Dialectical Behavioral Therapy
- Distress Tolerance
- Emotional Intelligence
- Problem-Solving Therapy
- Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy
- Trauma-Informed Treatment
Enrichment Therapies
- Mindful Exploration
- Personal Development
- Positive Psychology
- Resilience and Empowerment
- Vocational Group
Relapse Prevention Therapies
- Golf to Goal Group
- Horticulture Therapy
- Sound Bath Therapy
- Yoga on the beach
Interpersonal Therapies:
- Acceptance and Commitment
- Family Dynamics
- Healthy Relationships Group
- Process Group
- Town Hall Community Meeting Group
Experiential Therapies
- Art Therapy
- Breath Work
- Kumbaya Nights
- Nutrition Group
- Passion Projects
Relapse Prevention Therapies
- AA/NA Meetings
- Relapse Prevention Group
- Rock to Recovery
- 12-Step/SMART Recovery Group
Relapse Prevention
Relapse prevention is a cognitive behavioral approach with the goal to identify and address high-risk situations for relapse prevention. Relapse possibilities are an ongoing process that is experienced by a person in recovery.
A relapse prevention plan is a written plan that helps you recognize the signs of relapse, avoid triggers, and to prevent a return to chronic substance abuse. Prior to your departure from the program, your primary therapist will collaborate with you to create a written relapse prevention plan. The written plan will include a list of thorough strategies to help you sustain sobriety.
Besides providing daily healthy balanced meals, our chef provides nutritional counseling and guidance to create customized dietary plans specific to each person’s nutritional goals. Our goal is not only to introduce our clients to healthy dietary traditions while in treatment but to also urge them to take these newly attained dietary mechanisms back home with them post treatment.
Outdoor Therapy
Outdoor therapy is a behavioral treatment approach that combines nature with traditional talk therapy. AHTC recognizes that part of having a wholesome and harmonious life, outdoor therapeutic activities are also essential. To this effect, AHTC makes the effort to engage all clients to go on weekly outings, including outdoor yoga, sound bath on the beach, hikes, local farmers market, community events and local beach days. Outdoor therapy is a big component of AHTC and it is continually evolving and flourishing.
Vocational Therapy
The philosophy of vocational rehabilitation is focused on helping individuals achieve their professional goals. Clients will have the opportunity to explore their goals while being inspired by one another and motivational speakers. There will be clients who will need extra guidance to discover their strengths and inspirations and the purpose of this therapy will be for all of the clients to unveil their inner brilliance.
Trauma Informed Treatment
At AHTC we practice integrative approach that recognizes the profound impact of traumatic experiences on an individual’s physical, emotional, and psychological well-being. Unsettled trauma can be a significant factor in the development of self-destructive behaviors, often as a means of coping with overwhelming emotions and distress. Our therapists are trained in trauma-informed care, ensuring that they are sensitive to the unique needs of clients with a history of trauma.
Problem Solving Therapy (PST)
AHTC incorporates PST with most therapeutic modalities as it is particularly more effective when combined with other therapies. PST another practical, skills-based approach that teaches individuals tools to identify and solve problems that arise from life stressors. These tools, when applied in real-time, help to improve the overall quality of life and reduce the negative impact of mental illness.
AHTC encourages all clients to practice daily mindfulness to center emotional and physical formalities. Mindfulness is a varied set of practices, like meditation, function to focus the mind on the present without judgment or attachment. Awareness of current feelings is the first step in change behavior. Like CBT, mindfulness is a foundational modality from which DBT can be added.